Ad-hoc Press Release from Intertainment AG
Pursuant to § 15 Securities Trading Act (WpHG)

Court appoints new expert lawyer

Munich, February 17, 2006 - The Local Court Munich (Amtsgericht München) has appointed the Munich lawyer Dr. Martin Prager as the new expert lawyer in connec-tion with the application for insolvency filed by Intertainment AG and Intertainment Licensing GmbH. He has been commissioned to prepare an expert report within the period of five weeks. This expert opinion is intended to clarify whether the two com-panies are overindebted and unable to meet their financial obligations, or whether there is a threat of impending insolvency, further to ascertain what prospects there are for continuing the indebted company as a going concern, and whether the assets are sufficient to cover the costs of the insolvency proceedings.

The Munich lawyer, Dr. Michael Jaffé, originally commissioned to draw up the expert report was released from this function by the court on his own application in order to preclude any possibility of potential conflicts of interest in advance. Dr. Jaffé had in-formed the court of new circumstances that he had only just become aware of that do not exclude other insolvency proceedings being affected.

End of Ad hoc Press Release


Intertainment AG, Investor Relations
Frauenplatz 7, 80331 Munich, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)89 21699-0
Fax: +49 (0)89 21699-11

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