Ad hoc report by Intertainment AG

Turnover and results of Intertainment AG still affected by lawsuit

Ismaning near Munich, 28th May 2002 - In the first quarter of the current fiscal year 2002 Intertainment AG, which is domiciled in Ismaning near Munich, achieved a total turnover of 2.53 million Euro (compared with 4.88 million Euro in the first quarter of 2001). The company's result (EBIT) for the period under review is therefore minus 2.4 million Euro (as compared with minus 0.44 million Euro in the first quarter of 2001). The pre-tax result decreased to minus 2.59 Euro (as compared with plus 0.04 Euro in the first quarter of 2001). The year's deficit for the group as a whole now amounts to minus 3.7 million Euro, after a break-even result in the same period of the previous year.

In the first quarter of 2002 Intertainment invested a total of 3.2 million Euro in the development of film projects in collaboration with the producers Arnold Kopelson and Paramount Pictures.

As in the past fiscal year, the company's turnover and results were again adversely affected in the first quarter of 2002 by the lawsuit against the US film producers Franchise Pictures. As a result of this lawsuit Intertainment AG was unable to utilize the contested film rights.

The sales of the first quarter 2002 result mainly from the video production and sale of the films "Art of War", "The Whole Nine Yards" and "Battlefield Earth".

The company's financial assets at the end of the quarter amounted to 10.3 million Euro (as compared with 72.1 million Euro in the same period of the previous year). 

Intertainment AG, Marietta Birner, Investor Relations, Osterfeldstraße 84, 85737 Ismaning
Telephone: +49/ 89 / 216 99 - 0, Telefax: +49 / 89 / 216 99 - 11,
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